168.2.1 | 2023_WK33 On Acknowledging, Accepting, and Letting It Go

168.2.1 | 2023_WK33 On Acknowledging, Accepting, and Letting It Go

Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

168 hours have slipped away, leaving our lives that much shorter, what have we accomplished, changed, or how have we expanded? Are we fortified in strength, adorned with newfound happiness, or graced with wisdom? These hours are our canvas—have we painted it with growth?

Following a series of thoughtful reflections on the course and direction for the Individual Star, came the clarity of the most critical step I need to focus my energy on which is, as the famous Stephen King notes, 'kill your darlings'.

Last year, the primary objective behind this work was simply to own my story and tell it with wholehearted honesty. Keep it real and simple.

But I've been doing quite the opposite.

I deviated from that objective for the reason we all know (if you have tried, or are still in this arena of self-actualizing), the fear. I'm still afraid to go all in and put myself out there to be seen.


Hence from this week, the newsletter will start to scale down the amount of unintentional content. Up to this point, the intention of the work has been unclear nor established and didn't quite align with the intention I lay at the beginning of this journey. I was trying to achieve too many things (the hoarder is, the hoarder does– I'm working on fixing it), and I let it become unmeaningful.

Some shit needed to be realigned and remembered. And here comes the first step of acknowledging, accepting, and letting go of my idea of a perfect and powerful newsletter (but all too overwhelming and impossible to achieve at this stage)– the change in the newsletter's name to "168.2.1".

168 hours of our lives have passed, and here are the things that flourished.

2 quotes that resonate with the vibes of the week.

1 self-reminder to meditate on.

Then the revised structure of the blog posts and articles on this website will be based upon only three fundamental pillars, which are;

  1. The Self. Will cover all the deep stuff about the world within, the Soul, the universe, human existence, and beyond.
  2. The Midlife. Represents our current existence on Earth within this particular juncture of time and space. It's about discovering our true selves, expanding our perspectives, realizing our capabilities, and understanding the purpose of our existence, all with the aim of charting a course toward self-transcendence.
  3. Self-Mastery. This involves intentionally cultivating and refining one's qualities for personal growth and development. It's essentially the practical aspect of self-development—digging into the core concepts to translate theory into sustainable actions.

The Short Stories, My Memoir section, and articles on current affairs will stay (and yes, I'm guilty of not posting enough of that)

Of course, all of them will still be grounded on my personal collections and reflections on meaningful materials I've been gathering in the process of embracing those three areas of life. Journals, planners, commonplace books, and other creative works among them, you'll see them all.

The complete summary of the three will be finalized and presented on the permanent page under the new navigation menu which I haven't come around to yet. Bear with me, next week it will be up and running.

Here I am, showing up and trying again, with or without an audience. The important thing is I do what I value, I walk my talk, and resistance will not defeat me. This is what I need to do to move toward the person I want to become, and I'm sticking to it with the utmost faith in myself.

Can't just keep numbing the pain and hope to feel the joy– just won't work that way. Yeah, embrace the uncomfortable feeling, feel it while maintaining the state of equanimity, and let it go through you in the direction you want this energy to go.

Go there. Intentionally.

2 quotes that resonate with the vibes of the week.

"Aim at something. Discipline yourself. Or suffer the consequence. And what is that consequence? All the suffering of life, with none of the meaning. Is there a better description of hell?" –Jordan Peterson.
"Nothing has transformed my life more than realizing that it's a waste of time to evaluate my worthiness by weighing the reaction of the people in the stands." – Brené Brown.

1 self-reminder to meditate on

Today, I'm done with performing perfection.

I am authentic and true to my feelings.

Imperfection is a gift.

Happy creating.

Kwan Eschmann

Kwan Eschmann

Passionate truth seeker, inborn artist, hopeful INFJ who's on the journey to transcending the meaning of life and beyond. Writing inspiring works for folks who walk the midlife path to Individuation.