168.2.1 | 2023_WK34 On Making Intentional Choices

168.2.1 | 2023_WK34 On Making Intentional Choices

Photo by Jen Theodore / Unsplash

Hello, hoping life treats you kindly.

This week, I'll begin with a question;

Have you been intentional about your choices?

Here's one of the essential steps toward living a life intentionally, and that is decluttering your space. Yes,– both your house and your head.

If you think bagging and throwing out the actual stuff is hard, wait till you feel the amount of the resurgence of suppressed emotions that comes after. This rings especially true when the things you're removing hold a very special and sentimental place in your heart.

The mourning of the past, the longing, and the letting go of it.

In order to get clarity on how you feel and move on, you need to really get intentional about what is essential right now, in this moment, at this point in life. Get really close to your heart, and ask yourself;

What does this clutter say about me? Mine is;

I'm sad.

I'm lonely.

I'm afraid to let go.

I'm insecure about myself.

I'm not enough.

Then tell yourself that you're ready to let go of that. I'm making peace with it by burying this part of me, for good.

Whatever space you're decluttering, when the emotion arises you need to acknowledge the feelings by letting them go through you in order to arrive at the point of equanimity– neutral, peace.

The same goes with the mental space; the old knowledge, old beliefs that are no longer valid, old thought patterns, or old feelings for someone. If it's no longer relevant or beneficial to your growth– let it go.

Amidst the process of overcoming challenges, discover the art of letting go of the past—whether it's seen as positive or negative, its ultimate nature remains uncertain. Someday, the struggles endured might find purpose and transform into life's blessings, as they often do when fully embraced as integral parts of who you are.

Embrace the discomforting emotions rather than resisting them. The more you resist, the more forcefully that energy is propelled shoving you back into your comfort zone.

Acceptance is the antidote to resistance; you can't accept something and resist it at the same time (not a rocket science concept to grasp).

Know your fear. Embrace it, and you'll overcome resistance.

You are the only obstacle that stands in your way. Always have been.

2 quotes that resonate with the vibes of the week.

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." –  Friedrich Nietzsche.
"Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance." – Steven Pressfield.

1 self-reminder to meditate on

With every step I take to overcome resistance, my comfort zone is expanded.

Do I take the essential steps every day in the direction I intend to go?

Great change comes from small persisting actions.

Keep Going. Keep Growing.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Kwan Eschmann

Kwan Eschmann

Passionate truth seeker, inborn artist, hopeful INFJ who's on the journey to transcending the meaning of life and beyond. Writing inspiring works for folks who walk the midlife path to Individuation.