| 2023_WK32 On Marking a Year of Thriving | 2023_WK32 On Marking a Year of Thriving

Photo by JIUNN-YIH LAU / Unsplash

168 hours have passed. Our lives are 168 hours shorter, what have we done, changed, or achieved? In what way did we grow? Stronger? Happier? Or Wiser?

"Tomorrow morning by some stroke of magic every dazed and benighted soul woke up with the power to take the first step toward pursuing his or her dreams, every shrink in the directory would be out of business." – Steven Pressfield, The War of Art.

The message here is anything worth achieving never comes easy.

The Individual Star, my ride or die; is the work I pour my faith in with unwavering dedication (both thoughts and actions), in the past twelve months. It's not just something about investing my hope and fear in showing my work through personal memories and reflections to the world, it's also an unshakable commitment in my everyday energy and time. To say the least, it is the main reason for my existence, to develop, document, and share the meaningful process of my individuation with the world.

5 themes I immersed in this week.

  1. Happy birthday to The Individual Star 🌟And a big hug to you who are reading this. Thank you for your effort and trust that this is not a waste of your time.
  2. Speaking of thriving, the Midlife Liminality Series Part 2 is up. Check it out if you're interested in how much fun can approaching the unknown state of life be, in case it will inspire you to embrace the uncomfortable feelings of change instead of eschewing it.
  3. I have been working on reviving my commonplace notebooks and strategizing my 2024 productivity system (yes, a revised version of what is already working pretty damn well now). All of this at the same time as well as the other responsibilities I'm committing myself to it, what does this say apart from "I'm not enough"? My typical hoarder self has made her way back strong, and this means I need to slow down on the overwhelming tasks and to-do list and be intentional about how I spend my energy.
  4. I will need to take some time off to focus on re-focusing the purpose of why am I starting this journey. Each week, I've been burning it from both ends aiming at five articles with almost a thousand words newsletters, who am I kidding?
    It's hard to keep this from sounding like a blog, but the prose is now slowly flowing that way. Articles! Serious and important journalism only! I am in urgent need to get my ducks in a row and remember my why. It's been a year since I made my declaration of intent on this website, it's never been the best time than now for a refresh.
  5. Coming in with all these emotional ups and downs is the overwhelming information I've been binge-reading about the world's effect on climate change. Everything that's happening everywhere in the world now; the intense heatwaves, devasting rainfall, unusual floods, destructive powerful storms, and catastrophic wildfires. I have to stop myself from consuming bad news, what happened to the people and animals really broke my heart. It's time to reduce media consumption for a while.

2 of this week's theme quotes.

"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." – Paolo Coelho.
"Per aspera ad astra." To the stars through difficulties. – Seneca.

1 self-reminder.

Center your life around productive work that is meaningful and aligns with your purpose and core values. Focus your energy there.

Hope you all have a great week.

Kwan Eschmann

Kwan Eschmann

Passionate truth seeker, inborn artist, hopeful INFJ who's on the journey to transcending the meaning of life and beyond. Writing inspiring works for folks who walk the midlife path to Individuation.