Kwan Eschmann

Coming Out of a Hiding Place (and Back into the Arena)

The Journal is a section where I strive to reveal my reflections on life in no particular order or format. Quick notes and messages from my journal to keep the Individual Star shining when I'm swamped with other tasks and responsibilities (both on the desk and in the head)

Man's Search For Meaning

This section presents excerpts from a diverse array of literary sources. A compilation of passages exhibits profound resonance with the central themes of the Individual Star.

168.2.1 | 2023_WK39 On The Places We Trap Ourselves In

168 hours have slipped away, leaving our lives that much shorter, what have we accomplished, changed, or how have we expanded? Are we fortified in strength, adorned with newfound happiness, or graced with wisdom? These hours are our canvas—have we painted it with growth?