

About this newsletter: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly 168.2.1 newsletter. Every Sunday I share with you the theme on my mind in the past 168 hours, 2 quotes that resonate with the vibes of the week, and 1 self-reminder to meditate on. 168 hours have passed. Our lives are 168 hours shorter, what have we done, changed, or achieved? In what way did we grow? Stronger? Happier? Or Wiser?
Passages from the Stars

Passages from the Stars

In this dedicated section of our blog, we have meticulously curated excerpts from a diverse array of literary sources. This compilation of passages exhibit profound resonance with the central themes of the Individual Star. It serves as a perpetual wellspring of contemplation, consistently offering intellectual nourishment and guiding passages that offer deep insights and inspiration. Our weekly source of food for thought will be shared with you to keep our focus and connection fresh.
Reflective Essays

Reflective Essays

Exploring my thoughts, emotions, and experiences on a particular topic. Introspection, personal perspective, and self-examination; informative and factual (in my view).


Covers various aspects of personal growth; emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and spiritual growth, for individuals who are on the path of Individuation.
Short & Sweet

Short & Sweet

Looking for insights and information without a lengthy read? "Short & Sweet" houses our concise, thought-provoking short-form articles and personal essays that pack a punch. Topics revolve around inspiring ideas, life hacks, and expanding the horizons with up-to-date current affairs in our ever-evolving world. Read about topics, subjects, or places that caught my attention in the past and now. What the eyes of the world are upon, the focus of this fast-moving world, and what stays on my mind.
The Journal

The Journal

A place where I will strive to reveal my reflections without any particular order or format. Quick notes and messages from my journal to keep the Individual Star shining when I'm swamped with other tasks and responsibilities (both on the desk and in the head)
The Self

The Self

Reflection and conversation on all the deep and complex subjects of life like Carl Jung's Depth Psychology, Existentialism, Philosophy, Spirituality, and other related topics to the path to finding Home.