
About this newsletter: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly 168.2.1 newsletter. Every Sunday I share with you the theme on my mind in the past 168 hours, 2 quotes that resonate with the vibes of the week, and 1 self-reminder to meditate on. 168 hours have passed. Our lives are 168 hours shorter, what have we done, changed, or achieved? In what way did we grow? Stronger? Happier? Or Wiser? | 2023_WK32 On Marking a Year of Thriving

About this newsletter: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly newsletter. Every Monday I share with you what's been on my mind in the past 168 hours, 5 themes I immersed in this week, 2 theme quotes, and 1 self-reminder to meditate on. | 2023_WK30 On Life Disruption

About this newsletter: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly newsletter. Every Friday I share with you what's been on my mind in the past 168 hours, 5 themes I immersed in this week, 2 theme quotes, and 1 self-reminder to meditate on.